The La La Landing Page






“Do you have something I might like? “

Well, I guess that depends…

This website is devoted to  chronicle the development and testing of spoken word interfaces for databases.  This is just a fancy way of saying that we want to investigate what it means to talk to a computer.  It’s also a web / developer / database / ideas playground.
AKA sandbox.  But mainly built around that theme of speaking.

For obvious reasons, the domain… “beSpoKn”.

…continuing… you will find here some bits of writing that explore the topic in more detail.  You will find micro-services that are designed to exploit some of the advantages that “speaking to computers” can offer.

We’re exploring questions… about how effective speaking portals might be manifested.  I use the word “manifested” quite intentionally. Spoken word interfaces do not appear in the conventional sense: they don’t give appearances; they just “are”.  Which is the fundamental problem of this category of interface, or service, or application.  They just don’t seem very user-friendly.

I think all of us know that a common theme of spoken word applications is that they are inherently unsatisfactory.  Owing to their infancy; owing to their inability to leverage all of the tools of communication that are available to image-based interfaces, which excel at explanation and persistence.  These are two important things that spoken word interfaces and spoken word applications lack.

Perhaps we can fix a few things.